Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions
Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions offers a broad range of depth filters, pleated cartridge filters and capsules, cartridge filter housings, spiral wound Reverse Osmosis (RO), Nanofiltration (NF), Ultrafiltration (UF) and Microfiltration (MF) elements, RO systems and more. Many of Veolia’s water filtration and separation products are made in the USA and comply with NSF and FDA. Veolia has over 30 years of experience in depth and pleated cartridge filtration.

Solving the toughest water, wastewater and process challenges wherever they occur
ESG Filtration Ltd. is a proud Veolia Water Technologies and Solutions Channel Partner
- Veolia Case Study Featuring ESG: Veolia Z.Core Increases Water Throughput and Improves TSS Reduction for Well Injection Applications
- Veolia Case Study Featuring ESG: Veolia Absolute.Z Used in Fine Filtration of Produced Water from Oil Fields
- Veolia Case Study Featuring ESG: Veolia High Flow.Z used to treat water for disposal in an oil & gas application
Depth Filter Cartridges
- Typically 1” or larger nominal inside diameter and numerous 2½”, 2¾”, 4½” and 6½” nominal outside diameters and available in multiple lengths and end configurations.
- High efficiency, high performance, long life filter. Veolia continually develops technology to improve performance. Laboratory testing and field experience show Veolia depth filters outperform low cost imports on several measurements.
- Graded Density – Performance is built into Veolia depth filter design. Veolia graded density enables the entire cartridge to hold contaminants.
- Veolia Depth Filter Overview highlighting Veolia manufacturing technologies: Hytrex and Z.Plex
- Hytrex Technology Filters:
- Purtrex depth cartridge filters (i.e.: PX01-9 7/8, PX01-20, PX01-30, PX03-30, PX05-9 7/8, PX05-10, PX05-20, PX05-30, PX10-10, PX10-20, PX10-30)
- Hytrex depth cartridge filters (i.e.: GX01-9 7/8, GX01-9 ¾, GX01-20, GX01-30, GX01-40, GX05-10, GX05-20, GX05-30, GX05-40, GX20-20, GX20-40, GX75-20)
- Hytrex RX depth cartridge filters (1 3/8” ID, 2 ¾” OD) (i.e.: RX05-336XK, RX10-336XK, RX20-36, RX50-36)
- Selex depth cartridge filters (absolute rated) (i.e.: SXE-40ESS, SXG-9-3/4, SXD-9-3/4, SXA-40, SXF-9-3/4)
- Aquatrex large diameter filter (4½” OD) (i.e.: LD01-10, LD10-20, LD20-10, LD30-10, LD50-10, LD50-20)
- Aquaplex large diameter filter for light commercial applications (4½” OD)
- Z.Plex Technology Filters:
- Z.Plex technology
- MUNI.Z / Filterplex.Z (FP.Zs) depth cartridge filter for municipal water pre-filtration (i.e.: MUNI.Zs 01-30, MUNI.Zs 01-40, MUNI.Zs 05-30, MUNI.Zs 05-40)
- WellPro.Z depth cartridge filter for well injection applications (i.e.: WP.Zs 01-40-XK, WP.Zs 05-30, WP.Zs 10-40)
- EDR.Z depth cartridge filters for EDR pre-filtration (i.e.: EDR.Zs 10-40)
- ROSave.Z depth cartridge filters for reverse osmosis pretreatment (i.e.: RO.Zs 01-20, RO.Zs 01-30, RO.Zs 01-40, RO.Zs 01-40-XK, RO.Zs 05-20, RO.Zs 05-40, RO.Zs 05-40-XK)
- SWRO.Zs depth cartridge filter for seawater reverse osmosis pre-filtration (i.e.: SWRO.Zs 01-40, SWRO.Zs 05-50-ESS)
- ZCore depth filters (higher temperature rating, 90% efficient) (i.e.: ZCORE 03-40, ZCORE 05-20, ZCORE 05-19.5)
- Absolute.Za absolute rated depth cartridge filter (i.e.: ABS.ZA95-9.875-ESE, ABS.ZA 01-40-AAS, ABS.ZA01-20YYP, ABS.ZA01-30YYP, ABS.ZA01-30AAE)
- Nominal High Flow Z – 40” & 60” length depth cartridge filter (1.6” or 3.1” ID, 6.5” OD) (i.e.: HF.Zs 05-40-FSS, HF.Zs 01-60-TSS)
- Absolute High Flow Z – 40” & 60” length depth cartridge filter (1.6” or 3” ID, 6.5” OD) (i.e.: HF.Za 70-40-FSB)
- Resin Bonded High Temperature Filters:
- The Hypure AF filter is a resin-bonded filter cartridge suitable for a wide range of applications. Max operating temperature is 121°C / 250°F
- Depth Filter Case Studies, Capability Profiles and Technical Bulletins:
- Veolia Case Study: Veolia Muni.Z Reduces SDI and Improves Membrane Performance for Municipalities
- Veolia Case Study: WellPro.Zs Improves Efficiency in Well Injection Operations
- Veolia Case Study: WellPro.Z Reduces an Aluminum Can Manufacturer’s Costs by US$30,000
- Veolia Technical Bulletin: Choosing the Right Filter to Meet Your Application Demands – ZCore and WellPro.Z
- Veolia Capability Profile – Application Brief: Filtration of Produced Water
- Veolia Case Study: Veolia Z.Core Increases Water Throughput and Improves TSS Reduction for Well Injection Applications
- Veolia Case Study: Processing High Viscosity Fluids with Veolia Z.Core Filter Technology
- Veolia Case Study: Veolia Z.Core Improves the Beer Brewing Process
- Veolia Case Study: Veolia Absolute.Z Used in Fine Filtration of Produced Water from Oil Fields
- Veolia Case Study: Veolia Absolute.Za Reduces Particle Load in Sulfuric Acid for Chemical Processors
- Veolia Case Study: Absolute.Za Improves Productivity at an Ink Jet Dyes Manufacturer
Hydrocarbon Removal Filter Cartridges
- Veolia M Series Filters:
- Spun-bonded polypropylene plastic cartridges infused with patented chemistry that increases the hydrophobic nature of the material rendering it highly oil absorbent and water repellant. Veolia M filters are engineered to remove hydrocarbons from water in a single pass. Hydrocarbons form a tenacious bond to Veolia M filter media surfaces throughout the depth of the filter to prevent the absorbed hydrocarbons from separating and re-emulsifying in filter housing process streams.
- Veolia M Series
- Veolia M-HT Series High Temp Hydrocarbon Removal Filter Cartridges
- String wound cotton over 304SS core cartridges infused with patented chemistry that increases the hydrophobic nature of the material rendering it highly oil absorbent and water repellant. Veolia M-HT filters are engineered to remove hydrocarbons from water in a single pass in high temperature applications up to 200°F (93.3°C).
- Veolia M-HT Series
- Veolia MBB Series Heavy Duty Hydrocarbon Removal Filter Cartridges
- 4 inches in diameter, spunbound polypropylene plastic cartridges infused with patented chemistry that increases the hydrophobic nature of the material rendering it highly oil absorbent and water repellant.
- Veolia MBB Series
Pleated Filter Cartridges
- Veolia pleated filters feature polypropylene, Halar, and glass microfibers, as well as polyethersulfone, track-etched polycarbonate, PTFE, and nylon 66 absolute membranes. Pleated filters are available in micron ratings from 0.03 micron to 40 micron.
- Flotrex* Pleated Microfiber Filters:
- Nominal and absolute micron retention ratings: 0.2 to 40 micron.
- Memtrex* Pleated Membrane Filters:
- Absolute micron retention ratings: 0.03 to 1 micron. Available with PES, Nylon, PCTE, Polyproylene and PTFE membranes.
- Memtrex MP with Polyethersulfone Membrane (i.e.: MMP943ZHS, MMP913AAE)
- Memtrex MP-B with Polyethersulfone Membrane
- Memtrex MP-E with Polyethersulfone Membrane
- Memtrex MP-S with Polyethersulfone Membrane
- Memtrex PC with Polycarbonate Track-etch Membrane
- Memtrex NY with Hydrophilic Nylon 66 Membrane (i.e.: MNY943ZHS, MNY921-AAV)
- Memtrex KM with Hydrophilic Nylon 66 Membrane
- Memtrex FE with PTFE Membrane
- Memtrex HFE with All Fluoropolymer Pleated Cartridge
- Memtrex HFE-T with PTFE Membrane
- XPleat* Pleated Membrane Filters:
- Absolute micron retention ratings: 0.1 to 15 micron. Available with either PES membrane or dual rated glass microfiber filter.
- XPleat GF with Glass Microfiber (Nominal and Absolute)
- XPleat GF-T with Glass Microfiber (Nominal and Absolute)
- XPleat PES with Polyethersulfone (PES) Membrane
- Pleated Filter Case Studies:
Capsule Filters
Filter Housings
- High Flow Cartridge Filter Housings
- Combine convenience with quality to meet the challenges of a variety of applications.
Membranes: Reverse Osmosis (RO), Nanofiltration (NF), Ultrafiltration (UF), Microfiltration (MF)
- Veolia offers a broad range of spiral wound membrane elements including reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), ultrafiltration (UF), and microfiltration (MF). Veolia spiral wound membrane offering includes Pure Water, Industrial, and Sanitary membranes.
Pure Water Membranes: RO, NF, UF
- Veolia has a broad range of pure water membranes that are used in water applications worldwide. The membranes are used to desalinate brackish water for applications ranging from drinking water to boiler feedwater applications to aquifer recharge to tertiary wastewater treatment. Veolia products cover the entire spectrum of desalination needs from seawater to brackish water, water softening and the full range of low energy, low fouling and low pressure products.
- Pure Water Membranes Overview
- Cleaning guidelines. Cleaning pure water membrane elements
- Pure Water Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membranes for Brackish Water:
- AG Series Standard Brackish Water RO Elements (i.e.: AG8040F, AG8040F-400, AG2540TM, AG4040TM, AG4040FM)
- AG HR Series High Rejection Brackish Water RO Elements (i.e.: AG-400, AG-365, AG-440, AG-90)
- AG HR LF Series High Rejection Low Fouling Brackish Water RO Elements (i.e.: AG-400 LF,34, AG-90 LF)
- AG FR Series Standard Brackish Water RO Elements
- AK Series Low Energy Brackish Water RO Elements (i.e.: AK8040F-400, AK8040F, AK2540TM, AK4040TM)
- AK LE Series High Flow Low Energy Brackish Water RO Elements (i.e.: AK-90 LE, AK-440 LE, AK-400 LE,34)
- AK HR Series High Rejection Low Energy Brackish Water RO Elements (i.e.: AK-400, AK-440, AK-90, AK-400,34)
- AP Series Extreme Low Pressure Brackish Water RO Elements (i.e.: AP-400, AP-365, AP-90)
- AE Series High Rejection Low Energy Seawater RO Elements (i.e.: AE-90, AE-440)
- AD Series High Rejection Seawater RO Elements (i.e.: AD-400,34, AD-440, AD-365, AD-90)
- AC Series Very High Rejection Seawater RO Elements (i.e.: AC-440, AC-400,34)
- CE Series Brackish Water RO Elements (Cellulose Acetate) (i.e.: CE8040F)
- OSMO HR(CA) Series Brackish Water Desalination RO Elements
- Pure Water Nanofiltration (NF) Elements for Water Softening:
- Pure Water Reverse Osmosis (RO), Nanofiltration (NF) & Ultrafiltration (UF) Membranes for Drinking Water, Beverages & Bottled Water:
- Veolia Capability Profile – Application Brief: Reverse Osmosis Bottled Water
- MUNI NF Series Membrane Elements for Municipal Drinking Water Plants
- MUNI RO LE Series Membrane Elements for Municipal Drinking Water Plants
- MUNI RO HR Series RO High Rejection Membrane Elements for Municipal Drinking Water Plants (i.e.: MUNI-RO-400-HR-WT)
- MUNI RO HR LE Series RO High Rejection Low Energy Membrane Elements for Municipal Drinking Water Plants (i.e.: MUNI-RO-400-HR-LE-WT)
- OSMO BEV UF Series Ultrafiltration Element for Beverage and Bottled Water Production
- OSMO BEV NF Series Beverage and Bottled Water Production (i.e.: OSMO-BEV-NF-FF)
- OSMO BEV RO Series Beverage and Bottled Water Production (i.e.: OSMO-BEV-RO-FF, BEV-RO-440-FF)
- OSMO BEV ULE Series Reverse Osmosis Element for Beverage and Bottled Water Production (i.e.: OSMO-BEV-RO-ULE-CG-WT)
- Pure Water RO, NF and UF Membranes for Industrial, Commercial, Pharmaceutical, Food & Bev, Electronics & Chemical Applications:
- Duratherm STD Series High Temperature Pure Water Elements (i.e.: DURATHERM STD RO4040)
- Duratherm HWS Series Hot Water Sanitization Pure Water Elements (i.e.: DURATHERM HWS RO4040, DURATHERM HWS RO8040HR, DURATHERM HWS NF4040, DURATHERM HWS NF8040)
- OSMO USPG Series Pharma Grade RO Elements
- Commercial Elements Small Size Spiral-Wound Elements for Commercial Applications
Sanitary, Food & Beverage Membranes: RO, NF, UF, MF
- Reduce product loss, keep costs low, and boost your yield with advanced membranes. Whatever the need, Veolia has a full line of nanofiltration, microfiltration, and ultrafiltration membranes. Veolia filtration membranes protect your product quality and brand image, while ensuring increased product safety.
- Sanitary Membranes Overview
- 8″ Sanitary Family – A Full Line of Membrane Elements, Housings and Interconnectors
- Sanitary Reverse Osmosis (RO), Nanofiltration (NF), Ultrafiltration (UF) & Microfiltration (MF) Membranes for Dairy Applications:
- Dairy AF Series Dairy Processing – Lactose Concentration (i.e.: DAIRY AF3838C30)
- Dairy DK Series Dairy Processing Sanitary Nanofiltration (i.e.: DAIRY AF8038C30, DAIRY DK8038C30, DAIRY DK3840C30, DAIRY DK8040C30)
- Dairy DL Series Dairy Processing Sanitary Nanofiltration
- Dairy HWS Dairy Industry RO & NF
- Dairy Ultra UF Series Ultrafiltration – Superior Flux
- Dairy PT Series Ultrafiltration – Superior Protein Retention
- Dairy PW Series Ultrafiltration – Protein Concentration (i.e.: DAIRY PW3838C50, DAIRY PW3838C30)
- Dairy JX Series Microfiltration – Clarification and Fat Removal
- Polisher RO Permeate & Condensate Polishing
- Duratherm STD Series High Temperature Pure Water Elements
- Sanitary Reverse Osmosis (RO) & Nanofiltration (NF) Membranes for Sugar and Maple Syrup Applications:
- Sanitary Reverse Osmosis (RO), Nanofiltration (NF) & Microfiltration (MF) Membranes for Wine Applications:
- Vinocon RO3 Series Wine Processing – Grape Juice & Must Concentration
- Vinocon RO5 Series Wine Processing – Grape Juice & Must Concentration
- Vinocon RO7 Series Wine Processing – Grape Juice & Must Concentration
- Vinopro NF Series Wine Processing – Volatile Acidity & Alcohol Adjustment (i.e.: VINOPRO NF4040C50)
- Vinoclear Processing and Wine Clarification
- Sanitary Reverse Osmosis (RO), Nanofiltration (NF) & Ultrafiltration (UF) Membranes for Pharmaceutical Applications:
- Sanitary Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membranes for Egg Processing Applications:
- Food EGG Series Egg Processing – Egg White Concentration (i.e.: EGG3840C50)
- Sanitary, Food & Beverage Applications
Application | Membrane Type | |
Dairy Applications | ||
Lactose and Whey Concentration | Dairy AF | RO |
Whey Demineralization/Lactose Concentration | Dairy DK
Dairy DL |
NF |
Hot Water Sanitizable Elements | Dairy HWS | NF and RO |
Whey and Milk Protein Concentration | Dairy Ultra UF
Dairy PT Dairy PW |
Cheese Brine Clarification | Dairy JX | MF |
UF/NF/RO Permeate Recovery | Polisher RO | RO |
Hot Cow Water Recovery | Duratherm* STD | RO |
Sugar Applications | ||
Sugar Concentration | Duracon RO1
Duracon RO5 Duracon NF1 |
Monosaccharide Purification | Duracon NF2 | NF |
Wine Applications | ||
Grape Juice and Must Concentration | Vinocon RO3
Vinocon RO5 Vinocon RO7 |
Alcohol Reduction | Vinopro | NF |
Wine Clarification | Vinoclear | MF |
Industrial Process Membranes: RO, NF, UF, MF
- Veolia custom designs membrane elements to operate effectively in challenging environments, including extreme pHs, temperatures from 40° to 180° Fahrenheit (5° to 80° Celsius), oil contaminated streams and highly viscous solutions.
- Industrial Membranes Overview
- Industrial Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membranes:
- Industrial Nanofiltration (NF) Membranes:
- Industrial Ultrafiltration (UF) Membranes:
- GE Series Industrial Ultrafiltration Elements – TFM 1,000 MWCO
- GH Series Industrial Ultrafiltration Elements – TFM 2,500 MWCO (i.e.: GH4040F30)
- GK Series Industrial Ultrafiltration Elements – TFM 3,500 MWCO (i.e.: GK8040F30)
- PT Series Industrial Ultrafiltration Elements – PES 5,000 MWCO (i.e.: PT8040C50, PT8040F30)
- 416-UF(PS1) UF Full-Fit Membrane Element Post-Treatment of RO and NF
- PW Series Industrial Ultrafiltration – Post Treatment of RO and UF (i.e.: PW4040F30, PW2540F30)
- MW Series Industrial Oil/Water Separation UF Elements
- Industrial Microfiltration (MF) Elements:
- JX Series Industrial Stream Clarification MF Element (i.e.: JX4040C30, JX4040F30)
- Biotech Elements (RO, NF, UF & MF):
- Specific Industrial Applications
Application | Product Name | Membrane Type |
Brine Purification | DK, DL Series | NF |
Dye Desalting | DK, DL Series | NF |
Textile Effluent Treatment | GH, GK Series | UF |
Hot Product Demineralization, Concentration | Duratherm* EXL | NF, RO |
Hot Condensate Recovery | Duratherm STD | RO |
High Value Organic Fractionation | GE, GH, GK Series | UF |
Acid Recovery, Metal Reclamation | Duracid | NF |
Landfill Leachate | Industrial RO3, DuraSlick* | RO, NF |
Emulsified Oil/Water Separation | MW Series | UF |
Electro-Deposition Paint Concentration | JX-Series | MF |
Veolia Membrane Storage Guidelines, Element Loading Instructions, Capabilities
Veolia Membrane Storage Guidelines, Element Loading Instructions, Capabilities
Reverse Osmosis (RO) Machines, RO Pretreatment & RO Machine Replacement Parts
- E-Series:
- Pre-built reverse osmosis (RO) systems for your general industrial and commercial needs. E-Series reverse osmosis offers complete, pre-engineered, standardized solutions to meet your water filtration requirements, saving you money and ensuring reliability. The machines fit flow requirements starting at 375 gallons per day (GPD) / 0.06 m3/h. Ideal applications include car washes, office applications, product dilution or mixing, spot-free product rinses, restaurant and grocery, boiler feedwater, safe drinking water, process ingredient water, and ion exchange pre-treatment.
- Veolia RO systems offer reliability, ease of operation, cost savings, consistent water quality treatment, and improved removal of contaminants.
- E-Series Product Overview (EZ2 Kit, E2 Series, EZ4 Kit, E4 Series, E4H Series, E8 Series)
- E-Series Pretreatment
- E-Series Reverse Osmosis Machines
- PROflex RO Machines (35 to 550 GPM):
- PROflex has 15 base configurations using 12 to 108 elements that allows user to choose various pumps and membrane element types to work for their specific situation and capex budget.
- SeaPRO RO Machines:
- Seawater Desalination Machines
- Stainless Steel RO Membrane Housings:
- Veolia RO System Case Studies & Technical Bulletins