Pleated Filter Cartridges (Liquid & Air) – Nominal & Absolute Rated

ESG offers leading pleated filter technology from Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions and 3M. Pleated filters are available in broad micron ratings such as 0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.45, 0.5, 0.65, 0.8, 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, and 70 micron. Filter dimensions are typically 2.62″ to 2.75″ OD (outside diameter), 1.25″ ID (inside diameter), and available in 10″, 20″, 30″ and 40″ lengths, and are available with numerous end adapters such as code 7, double open end (DOE), 020, 120, 213, 222 and 226 O-rings, with or without reinforcing rings for higher temperature applications, closed end or fin adapter, and various seal materials like silicone, EPDM, etc.. These filters are offered with many filter media material options such as polypropylene microfiber, pleated polypropylene, polypropylene membrane, glass microfiber, Halar (ECTFE) microfiber, polyethersulfone membrane, polycarbonate track-etch membrane, polyester microfiber, hydrophillic Nylon 66 membrane, PTFE membrane, fluoropolymer materials, and more.
Veolia Flotrex* Pleated Microfiber Filters
Nominal and absolute micron retention ratings: 0.2 to 40 micron.
Veolia Memtrex* Pleated Membrane Filters
- Absolute micron retention ratings: 0.03 to 1 micron. Available with PES, Nylon, PCTE, Polyproylene and PTFE membranes.
- Memtrex MP with Polyethersulfone Membrane (i.e.: MMP943ZHS, MMP913AAE)
- Memtrex MP-B with Polyethersulfone Membrane
- Memtrex MP-E with Polyethersulfone Membrane
- Memtrex MP-S with Polyethersulfone Membrane
- Memtrex PC with Polycarbonate Track-etch Membrane
- Memtrex NY with Hydrophilic Nylon 66 Membrane (i.e.: MNY943ZHS, MNY921-AAV)
- Memtrex KM with Hydrophilic Nylon 66 Membrane
- Memtrex FE with PTFE Membrane
- Memtrex HFE with All Fluoropolymer Pleated Cartridge
- Memtrex HFE-T with PTFE Membrane
Veolia XPleat* Pleated Membrane Filters
- Absolute micron retention ratings: 0.1 to 15 micron. Available with either PES membrane or dual rated glass microfiber filter.
- XPleat GF with Glass Microfiber (Nominal and Absolute)
- XPleat GF-T with Glass Microfiber (Nominal and Absolute)
- XPleat PES with Polyethersulfone (PES) Membrane
3M™ Betafine XL Series Absolute Rated Pleated Polypropylene Filter Cartridges
- Absolute rated pleated polypropylene filter cartridges.
- 3M™ Betafine XL Series ‘(i.e.: XL30PP005B2A)
3M™ LifeASSURE™ Filter Cartridges
- Sub-micron pleated polyethersulfone and Nylon 6,6 membrane cartridge filters.
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BA Series Cartridge Filters for Beverage Stability – Nylon, 6,6 pleated membrane filters, 0.45 and 0.65 micron (i.e.: BA045A03BA)
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BLA Series Filter Cartridges for Beverage Service – Nylon 6,6 pleated membrane pre-filters, 0.2, 0.45, 0.65, and 0.8 micron (i.e.: BLA065B03BA)
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BNA045 & BNA065 Series Filter Cartridges for Beverage Microbiological Stability – Polyethersulfone pleated membrane filters, 0.45 and 0.65 micron (i.e.: BNA045F03BA, BNA065F03BA)
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BNA020 Log Reduction Grade Filters – Polyethersulfone pleated membrane filters, 0.2 micron
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BDA020 Series Sterilizing Grade Filter – dual layer Polyethersulfone pleated membrane filters, 0.2 micron (i.e.: BDA020F03FA)
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ IMC Series Filter Cartridge for DI water, critical parts cleaning, and chemical applications – 0.1, 0.2 and 0.