Nominal & Absolute Filters for Food & Beverage Production

Filtration products are common in food and beverage production processes to help ensure product quality and consistency. ESG Filtration provides a variety of nominal and absolute micron rated filtration products and replacement filters for your demanding food and beverage applications, including Reverse Osmosis (RO) machines and membrane elements, specialty RO/NF/UF/MF membranes, pleated membrane filter cartridges absolute rated to as low as 0.03 micron, depth filter cartridges, capsule filters, stringwound filters, sterile filters, sanitizable filters, stainless steel sanitary filter vessels, wastewater filters, and much more.
Wineries, Breweries, & Distilleries
- Producing fine wines, beers and spirits begins with high quality inputs and specialized production techniques, which often include filtration. ESG Filtration offers nominal and absolute rated high throughput filters for beer, wine and liquor applications including microorganism retention filters, beer trap filters to remove diatomaceous earth (DE), carbon and other particles, filters for cold filtration of beer, beer and wine clarification, final filtration of beer and wine, and much more for wineries in British Columbia and Ontario and breweries and distilleries across Canada.
- Possible prefilters and final filters:
- Wine Filters, Beer Filtration & Distillery Filters
- 3M™ Wine Filtration Systems
- 3M™ Purification Filter Systems for the Brewing Industry
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BLA Series Filter Cartridges for Beverage Service for wine, beer, and distilled spirits
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BA Series Cartridge Filters for Beverage Stability for wine, beer, and distilled spirits, bottled water, soft drinks, syrups, process water, dyes & flavors
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BNA045 & BNA065 Series Filter Cartridges for Beverage Microbiological Stability – Polyethersulfone pleated membrane filters, 0.45 and 0.65 micron (i.e.:BNA045F03BA, BNA065F03BA)
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BDA020 Series Sterilizing Grade Filter – dual layer Polyethersulfone pleated membrane filters, 0.2 micron (i.e.: BDA020F03FA)
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BNA020 Log Reduction Grade Filters
- 3M™ 101 Series Integrity Test Device – Portable, Automated Membrane Filter Integrity Tester for the Beverage Industry
- 3M™ Betapure NT-T Series Filter Cartridges for diatomaceous earth or carbon fine trap
- 3M™ Betafine XL Series for diatomaceous earth or carbon fines trap, rinsing or wash water
- 3M™ High Flow Series Filter Systems including sanitary housings for food & beverage
- 3M™ DF Series Filter Systems for wine, spirits, beer
- 3M™ ZMS and ZVS Series Sanitary Filter Housings (i.e.: 1ZVS3, 1ZMS3)
- 3M™ Model ZWB Sanitary Filter Housing (i.e.: 5ZWB3)
- 3M™ Zeta Plus Model ZPB Sanitary Housing
- 3M™ Zeta Plus™ H Series Depth Filter Cartridges & Capsules
- Veolia Wine Processing
- Veolia Memtrex MP Pleated Filters with Polyethersulfone Membrane for filtration for improved microbiological stability of non-pasteurized beers and wines
- Veolia Memtrex NY Pleated Filters with Hydrophilic Nylon 66 Membrane for final filtration of beverages
- Veolia Memtrex MP-B Pleated Filters with Polyethersulfone Membrane for beer, wine and liquor
- Veolia Flotrex AP Pleated Filters with Polypropylene Microfiber Media for high throughput for beer filtration
- Veolia Flotrex PN Pleated Filters with Polypropylene Microfiber Media for beer trap filtration
- Veolia Flotrex GF Pleated Filters with Glass Microfiber Media for beverage clarification
- Veolia Memtrex NY Capsules with Hydrophillic Nylon66 Membrane for beverages
- Veolia ZCore Depth Filters
- Veolia RO Machines with Clean in Place (CIP) capabilities
- Veolia Vinocon RO3 Series Wine Processing – Grape Juice & Must Concentration
- Veolia Vinocon RO5 Series Wine Processing – Grape Juice & Must Concentration
- Veolia Vinocon RO7 Series Wine Processing – Grape Juice & Must Concentration
- Veolia Vinopro NF Series Wine Processing – Volatile Acidity & Alcohol Adjustment
- Veolia Vinoclear Processing and Wine Clarification
- Liquid Filter Bags (Nominal Bags/Bag Filters/Filter Socks)
- Wastewater filters and filter replacements
- Wine Filters, Beer Filtration & Distillery Filters
Dairy Processing
- Dairy producers can benefit from using the most efficient filtration products. ESG Filtration offers Canadian dairies Reverse Osmosis (RO) machines and spiral wound membrane elements including Microfiltration (MF), Ultrafiltration (UF) and Nanofiltration (NF) for many applications such as lactose clarification, whey demineralization, concentration of whey, milk, skim, cheese milk, sugar and lactose, high temperature filters for hot water sanitizing, and more.
- Possible prefilters and final filters:
- Dairy Filtration
- Veolia RO Machines with Clean in Place (CIP) capabilities
- Veolia Dairy AF Series Dairy Processing – Lactose Concentration
- Veolia Dairy DK Series Dairy Processing Sanitary Nanofiltration
- Veolia Dairy DL Series Dairy Processing Sanitary Nanofiltration
- Veolia Dairy HWS Dairy Industry RO & NF
- Veolia Dairy Ultra UF Series Ultrafiltration – Superior Flux
- Veolia Dairy PT Series Ultrafiltration – Superior Protein Retention
- Veolia Dairy PW Series Ultrafiltration – Protein Concentration
- Veolia Dairy JX Series Microfiltration – Clarification and Fat Removal
- Veolia Polisher RO Permeate & Condensate Polishing to treat evaporator condensate (cow water) and RO/NF permeate
- Liquid Filter Bags (Nominal Bags/Bag Filters/Filter Socks)
- Compressed Air & Gas Filters, Disposable Inline Filters & Adsorbers, Natural Gas Filters, Liquid Filter Housings, High Pressure Filters, and more for dairy plants
- Wastewater filters and replacement filters
- Dairy Filtration
Food Processing, Syrups, Edible Oils
- Producing foods, syrups and edible oils often involve filtration processes. ESG Filtration offers Reverse Osmosis (RO) machines and RO and NF membrane elements for maple syrup, sugar processing, sugar concentration, meat processing wastewater treatment and boiler feedwater, and compressed air and gas filters, disposable filter elements and many other types of filters for food processing systems, process water filtration, meat packing plant filters, hot water sanitizing, sterile air filters, viscous filtration and more.
- Possible prefilters and final filters:
- Food Processing, Syrups, and Edible Oils Filtration
- Liquid Filter Bags (Nominal Bags/Bag Filters/Filter Socks) for edible oils filtration including canola oil
- Veolia RO Machines with Clean in Place (CIP) capabilities
- Veolia Duracon RO5 Series Sugar Processing and Sugar Concentration
- Veolia Duracon NF1 Series Sugar Processing and Acid Removal
- Veolia Duracon NF2 Series Sugar Processing Monosaccharide Purification
- Veolia Polisher RO Permeate & Condensate Polishing for food-related processing that requires stringent sanitary procedures, to treat RO/NF permeate
- Veolia Duratherm EXL Series Industrial High Tempureature RO & NF Elements for hot water sanitization
- Veolia Duratherm STD Series High Temperature Pure Water Elements
- Veolia Duratherm HWS Series Hot Water Sanitization Pure Water Elements
- Veolia Memtrex MP Pleated Filters with Polyethersulfone Membrane for clarification and microbial control for ingredient and process waters
- Veolia Absolute.Za Absolute Rated Depth Cartridge Filter for Food and Beverage
- Veolia Selex Depth Cartridge Filters for process water
- Veolia Purtrex Depth Cartridge Filters for potable water, food and beverage contact
- Veolia ZCore Depth Filters for hot water sanitizing in food and beverage applications and high viscosity fluids
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BNA020 Log Reduction Grade Filters for syrups, dyes and flavors
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BLA Series Filter Cartridges for Beverage Service for syrups, food grade dyes and flavors, preservative solutions
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BA Series Cartridge Filters for Beverage Stability for syrups, process water, dyes and flavors
- 3M™ 101 Series Integrity Test Device – Portable, Automated Membrane Filter Integrity Tester for the Beverage Industry
- 3M™ Micro-Klean™ CS Filter Cartridges for vegetable oil
- 3M™ 740 Series Filter Cartridges for food and beverage processing
- 3M™ High Flow Series Filter Systems including sanitary filter housings
- 3M™ DF Series Filter Systems for vegetable oil, syrups, edible oils, honey, high fructose corn syrup, vinegar, liquid sugar, gelatin
- Compressed Air & Gas Filters, Disposable Inline Filters & Adsorbers, Natural Gas Filters, Liquid Filter Housings, High Pressure Filters, and more for food & beverage processing plants
- Wastewater filters and filter replacements
- Food Processing, Syrups, and Edible Oils Filtration
Juices and Soft Drinks, Bottling Facilities
- Consistent taste and color are important for beverage production. ESG Filtration offers Canadian beverage producers absolute rated pleated filters down to as low as 0.03 micron, Reverse Osmosis (RO) machines and RO, UF, MF and NF membrane elements, pre-RO depth cartridge filters and more for applications such as high quality water for production of carbonated soft drinks, juices and sports drinks, beverage production of low sodium and sodium free drinks, beverage processing, beverage clarification and final filtration, etc..
- Possible prefilters and final filters:
- Juices, Soft Drinks and Bottling Facility Filters
- Veolia RO Machines with Clean in Place (CIP) capabilities
- Veolia OSMO BEV UF Series Beverage and Bottled Water Production
- Veolia OSMO BEV NF Series Beverage and Bottled Water Production
- Veolia OSMO BEV RO Series Beverage and Bottled Water Production
- Veolia OSMO BEV ULE RO Beverage and Bottled Water Production
- Veolia ROSave.Z Depth Filters for beverages
- Veolia Absolute.Za Absolute Rated Depth Cartridge Filter for Food and Beverage
- Veolia Selex Depth Cartridge Filters for pure water, food and beverage
- Veolia ZCore Depth Filters for hot water sanitizing in food and beverage applications
- Veolia Memtrex MP-B Pleated Filters with Polyethersulfone Membrane for fruit juices and fountain drinks
- Veolia Memtrex NY Pleated Filters with Hydrophilic Nylon 66 Membrane for final filtration of beverages
- Veolia Memtrex MP Pleated Filters with Polyethersulfone Membrane for clarification and microbial control for ingredient and process waters
- Veolia Flotrex GF Pleated Filters with Glass Microfiber Media for beverage clarification
- Veolia Flotrex HR Pleated Filters with Halar (ECTFE) Microfiber for beverages
- Veolia Memtrex NY Capsules with Hydrophillic Nylon66 Membrane for beverages
- Veolia Memtrex MP Capsules with Polyethersulfone Membrane for beverages
- Veolia Flotrex GF Capsules with Glass Microfiber Media for pre-filtration of beverages and final filtration of beverages that do not require membrane filtration
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BNA020 Log Reduction Grade Filters for soft drinks, dyes and flavors
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BLA Series Filter Cartridges for Beverage Service for soft drinks
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BA Series Cartridge Filters for Beverage Stability for soft drinks
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BDA020 Series Sterilizing Grade Filter – dual layer Polyethersulfone pleated membrane filters, 0.2 micron (i.e.: BDA020F03FA)
- 3M™ 101 Series Integrity Test Device – Portable, Automated Membrane Filter Integrity Tester for the Beverage Industry
- 3M™ Micro-Klean™ RT Series All-Polypropylene Rigid Thermal Bonded Filters for soft drinks, juice, ready-to-drink beverages
- 3M™ Micro-Klean™ CS Filter Cartridges for beverages, potable liquids
- 3M™ Betapure NT-T Series Filter Cartridges for beverage blending and bottled water particulate and turbidity reduction
- 3M™ Betafine XL Series for beverage blending
- 3M™ Model ZWB Sanitary Filter Housing (i.e.: 5ZWB3)
- 3M™ DF Series Filter Systems for soft drinks, fruit juice, liquid sugar, ready to drink tea, sports drinks
- Liquid Filter Bags (Nominal Bags/Bag Filters/Filter Socks)
- Compressed Air & Gas Filters, Disposable Inline Filters & Adsorbers, Natural Gas Filters, Liquid Filter Housings, High Pressure Filters, and more for beverage processing facilities
- Wastewater filters and filter replacements
- Juices, Soft Drinks and Bottling Facility Filters
Bottled Water
- High quality bottled drinking water produced from Canadian water sources can involve the use of filters and spiral wound membranes. ESG Filtration offers Reverse Osmosis (RO) machines and RO, UF, and NF membrane elements, competitively priced 1 and 5 micron RO-prefilter depth filter cartridges, absolute rated pleated membrane filters including microorganism retention filters, polishing filters and more for bottled water applications such as giardia removal, reverse osmosis bottled water, final filtration of bottled water, etc..
- Possible prefilters and final filters:
- Bottled Water Plant Filters
- Veolia Capability Profile – Application Brief: Reverse Osmosis Bottled Water
- Veolia RO Machines with Clean in Place (CIP) capabilities
- Veolia OSMO BEV UF Series Beverage and Bottled Water Production
- Veolia OSMO BEV NF Series Beverage and Bottled Water Production
- Veolia OSMO BEV RO Series Beverage and Bottled Water Production
- Veolia OSMO BEV ULE RO Beverage and Bottled Water Production
- Veolia ROSave.Z Depth Filters for prefiltration in bottled water
- Veolia Absolute.Za Absolute Rated Depth Cartridge Filter for fine particle filtration for bottled water
- Veolia Flotrex GF Pleated Filters with Glass Microfiber Media for final filtration of bottled water
- Veolia Memtrex MP-B Pleated Filters with Polyethersulfone Membrane for bottled water
- Veolia Memtrex NY Pleated Filters with Hydrophilic Nylon 66 Membrane for final filtration of beverages
- Veolia Memtrex MP Pleated Filters with Polyethersulfone Membrane for clarification and microbial control for bottled water packaging
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BNA020 Log Reduction Grade Filters for bottled water
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BLA Series Filter Cartridges for Beverage Service for bottled water
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BA Series Cartridge Filters for Beverage Stability for bottled water
- 3M™ LifeASSURE™ BDA020 Series Sterilizing Grade Filter – dual layer Polyethersulfone pleated membrane filters, 0.2 micron (i.e.: BDA020F03FA)
- 3M™ 101 Series Integrity Test Device – Portable, Automated Membrane Filter Integrity Tester for the Beverage Industry
- 3M™ Micro-Klean™ RT Series All-Polypropylene Rigid Thermal Bonded Filters for bottled water
- 3M™ Betapure NT-T Series Filter Cartridges for bottled water particulate and turbidity reduction
- 3M™ Betafine XL Series for bottled water particulate and turbidity reduction
- 3M™ Model ZWB Sanitary Filter Housing (i.e.: 5ZWB3)
- 3M™ DF Series Filter Systems for bottled water
- Liquid Filter Bags (Nominal Bags/Bag Filters/Filter Socks)
- Compressed Air & Gas Filters, Disposable Inline Filters & Adsorbers, High Pressure Filters, and more for bottled water plants
- Wastewater filters and filter replacements
- Water Softeners, Activated Carbon and Multi-Media Filters
- Bottled Water Plant Filters